Pallet Staging – New Eagle Function

Many manufacturers will allocate finished goods items for shipment at the time of entering the sales order or subsequently during the printing of the picking list or pre-shipper. However, during the pick and pack process, often alternate lot/batches are selected. There is often a delay before shipment (when the allocations are updated within the ERP system) as these items are staged and merged into pallets and containers before leaving. This can then have a huge knock on affect to existing allocated inventory and future picklists. Additionally, it is often possible for wrong items to be packed into the boxes before being added to the shipment.


To overcome these issues, Eagle has added new Pallet Staging functionality to RF Express for QAD. When the new staging functionality is used, the operator is prompted for a pre-shipper at the time of creating a box/pallet of finished goods. The required items and quantities are displayed and then the item verified as they are added to the box. On completion of the box the item is moved to a staging location to ensure the contents cannot be allocated against a future order. The verified boxes are then loaded against the pre-shipper user Dynamic Serialised Load Truck where they are again verified before being automatically converted into a container structure for shipment. This additional functionality again helps ensure 100% accurate shipments 100% of the time.

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