New Functionality – May 2018

As part of our continued investment into Eagle RF Express software, please find below some new software updates;

RF Express label printing and user configurable label variables:
Printing barcoded labels through RF Express has always been streamlined and highly flexible.  Third party products or supplemental printing systems are never necessary with RF Express.  For over the 25 years, we have provided fully integrated options to print labels with real-time QAD data from just about any Eagle transaction.  This functionality includes an extensive library of nearly 800 pre-defined label variables.  That group of label variables covers nearly all label printing requirements.  However, new releases of RF Express will include a user configurable option to create label variables that can pull data from dozens of QAD tables.  New variables can be created locally in a matter of minutes with a simple setup.  This added flexibility will supplement the standard label variables when a desired label element is not covered by the existing Eagle label variable library.  Label traceability has also been enhanced with optional unique label ID assignment and functionality to log critical label data (including user identification) for review and auditing. 
Smart Label ID – BKF/BKN Verification
For over 15 years, Eagle has provided Smart Label error-proofing options that can be enabled in select transactions to force the operator to match scan two container labels to ensure that the customer label is matched to the internal label.
This functionality has been recently expanded to the Eagle BKF Backflush and BKN Kanban backflush.  To ensure the operator is applying the proper lineside generated label to the manufactured product, mandatory matching logic can be enabled for the part number or unique label id.  The operator must scan the generated label to ensure he is applying the correct label.  This functionality is especially useful where two adjacent reporting cells share one printer.
Multi-User Sales Order Pick – Support for ASN creation:
Eagle’s Multi-User Sales Order Pick now supports the creation of Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) information for customer electronic data interchange (EDI) export. This electronic document notifies the customer of a supplier shipment and its contents.
Eagle adds support for custom and dynamic browses: 
Eagle delivers true real-time mobile applications for the QAD Enterprise. Eagle’s browse framework allows for a powerful addition to Eagle’s RF EXPRESS for QAD Enterprise applications. Eagle’s browse support allows for custom inventory browse definitions with dynamic sort and filters to allow material handlers the ultimate in inventory reviews. This capability is particularly important to forklift drivers where the mobile device is larger. Eagle intends to extend this browse capability to all aspects of RF EXPRESS for QAD Enterprise Applications.
Enhanced RF Express user transaction error logging:  
New functionality has been added to log the good transactional error messages that a user may encounter during a transaction.  For example, if a user receives an error message such as Error:  Item Not defined on Production Line, Eagle can record when a specific operator received the message.   This functionality provides the ability to monitor for data setup errors as well as identify operators who may need additional transaction training/education.
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