Eagle pleased to announce Lornamead Go-Live


13th February 2017: Eagle pleased to announce Go-Live of Lornamead:


Eagle is pleased to announce the Go-Live of Lornmead.  Lornamead manufacture and provide retailers with well-known personal care products.  Eagle have had a long term relationship supplying data collection to LF Beauty (UK) Ltd, a sister company of Lornamead.


Nick Coleman, VP of Operations “LF Beauty implemented QAD EE several years ago at our Lornamead division. Having reviewed several solutions for data collection at this site, we chose Eagle for its breadth of experience, proven track record and ability to deliver a complete solution from software, consultancy, project management through to hardware procurement & delivery. Our raw materials project started at 9.30 on the Monday morning and we were live by 3pm on the Thursday of that week, less than 4 days from project start to being successfully used in our live environment. We are looking forward to rolling the solution out across our facility and enjoying the same rapid implementation and success.”


Robert Freeman, Director, Eagle Consulting & Development “Eagle has had a long standing relationship with the wider group, and were delighted when Lornamead chose Eagle to be their preferred Data Collection solution for this division. Testament to our expertise and being able to deliver an end-to end solution was being able to get the site live on Eagle ‘RF Express’ within 1 week.  We look forward to working with Lornamead on further projects at this and other sites in the future.”

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