Please find below an ebook from our Partners Zebra, their vision for Manufacturing 2020:
Manufacturing 2020
The purpose of this guide is to provide examples and insight into how technology
focused on Connected Visibility can help a manufacturing enterprise. Our term
Manufacturing 2020 takes on two notions, perfect 2020 vision across your plant and
the notion of deploying technology fit for the year 2020 and beyond.
In a demanding customer environment and as we strive for a lean, agile manufacturing
plant capable of consistently producing products on cost, on plan and on specification,
technology offers us the opportunity to speed up the pace of progress and
transparency. By doing so we meet our customer’s expectations on product and
delivery and, our stakeholder’s expectations on profit.
This guide looks at manufacturing as a whole, it does not favour a market segment but
we appreciate there are nuances driven by market segment and geography to name
just two. The notion of creating a manufacturing business plan and then delivering it
has, historically, been driven out of managing exceptions effectively, offsetting risk/cost
and in the last decade harnessing the supply chain in it’s entirety. This last point is
worthy of particular focus to deliver Manufacturing 2020.